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Babies born healthy are more likely to be ready for school, more likely to succeed, and less likely to end up in the juvenile justice system. The average cost of medical care for a premature or low birth-weight baby for the first year of life is ten times higher than a normal birth with no complications.

Your support has enables us to help the outcomes for 14,000 pregnant women, babies, and young children and 95% of the funds we receive go to services!


Send a donation today to:
Healthy Start of Southwest Florida
1921 Jefferson Ave.
Fort Myers, FL 33901


Complete the form on the left to pay with paypal. You can use your credit card if you do not have a paypal account. Just select Credit Card instead of login. Look for the message “Don’t have a PayPal account?”

For every $1 spent on preventing an unhealthy birth, $6 is saved in neonatal intensive care costs, recurrent hospital and medical expenses paid by Medicaid, exceptional and remedial education, child abuse and neglect investigations, disability and dependency costs.*

What should have been nice news for me and an exciting process became sad. I had a pregnancy with depression. I cried for everything and I asked my partner for a separation. Nothing satisfied me. It was very hard because I wanted this baby, but I became very sad, felt no desire to laugh, or to celebrate, and I slept all the time. When I was not crying, I could not eat.

Then I met Suiny (my Healthy Start worker), she helped me a lot. We conversed a lot and I vented my feelings. She visited me in my house, we talked about my family and she helped me a lot to understand my pregnancy and encouraged me to get out of the house twice a week. Thanks to her, I’m happy with my baby, my daughter and my partner today. I have a beautiful family.

I am so very grateful to the (Healthy Start) program and the work you do.


(*Source: “Florida’s Children: Their Future is in Our Hands”, 1997, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council)

Registration #CH6091. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from to the Division of Consumer services by calling toll-free within the state 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352), or  Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.